1.
Amor
Vincit
Omnia-
Love
conquers
all】
2.
Amor
Fati-
Love
of
fate】
3.
Amor
Prohibitus-
Forbidden
love】
4.
Amor
in
aeternum-
Love
forever】
5.
Carpe
Diem,
Amor-
Seize
the
day,
my
love】
6.
In
Amore
Veritas-
In
love,
truth】
7.
Veritas
Vos
Liberabit-
The
truth
will
set
you
free
(in
love)】
8.
Fortis
et
Liber-
Strong
and
free
(in
love)】
9.
Vivere
in
Amore-
Live
in
love】
10.
Nunc
Est
Bibendum-
Now
is
the
time
to
drink
(to
love)】
11.
Amor
Est
Vitae
Essentia-
Love
is
the
essence
of
life】
12.
Dilige,
Et
Quod
Vis
Fac-
Love,
and
do
what
you
will】
13.
Via
Amoris-
The
way
of
love】
14.
Amorem
Meam
Praestabo
Tibi-
will
give
you
all
my
love】
15.
Amor
animi
arbitrio
sumitur,
non
ponitur-
Love
is
taken
by
the
will,
not
by
force】
16.
Omnia
Vincit
Amor-
Love
conquers
all
things】
17.
Ubi
Amor,
Ibi
Fidelitas-
Where
there
is
love,
there
is
faithfulness】
18.
Crescit
Amor,
Crescunt
Dolor-
Love
grows,
pain
grows】
19.
Amor
Gignit
Amorem-
Love
creates
love】
20.
Amor
Tuum
Nihil
Aliud
Est
Quam
Fallacia
Praeter
Plenum
Pulchritudine
Votum-
Your
love
is
nothing
but
a
wish
full
of
beauty
and
deception】