1.
"Together
is
always
better
than
alone"
【爱情的力量】
2.
"Being
married
means
always
having
someone
to
share
the
good
and
bad
times
with"
【婚姻的可贵之处】
3.
"The
best
part
of
spending
your
life
with
someone
is
creating
countless
memories
together"
【一起创造美好回忆】
4.
"Holding
hands
with
the
one
you
love
is
the
ultimate
comfort"
【牵手相伴,不离不弃】
5.
"Marriage
is
a
journey,
and
we're
grateful
to
be
traveling
it
together"
【人生的旅程,扶持相伴】
6.
"Being
married
to
you
is
the
easiest
and
the
best
decision
I've
ever
made"
【婚姻的美好决定】
7.
"Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs,
but
having
you
by
my
side
makes
it
all
worthwhile"
【守望相助,笑看人生】
8.
"I
love
spending
every
moment
with
you,
because
you're
my
best
friend
and
soulmate"
【伴侣与知己】
9.
"True
love
means
always
putting
each
other
first,
and
we'll
always
do
that
for
each
other"
【真爱就是相互付出】
10.
"Marriage
isn't
always
easy,
but
it's
worth
fighting
for
every
single
day"
【婚姻的坚守和珍惜】
11.
"We're
a
team,
and
we'll
conquer
everything
together"【一起战胜困难】
12.
"I'm
so
grateful
to
have
found
my
happily
ever
after
with
you"
【如梦如幻般的美好结局】
13.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
you're
my
constant
source
of
peace
and
stability"
【拥有你就是拥有一切】
14.
"I
love
waking
up
next
to
you
every
morning,
and
going
to
bed
with
you
every
night"
【黄昏与黎明皆因你而美好】
15.
"You
complete
me
in
every
way
possible,
and
can't
imagine
my
life
without
you"
【你是我的一切】
16.
"We
may
not
have
it
all
figured
out,
but
we're
figuring
it
out
together"
【一起成长,一起探索人生】
17.
"I
don't
need
anything
more
in
life,
as
long
as
have
you
by
my
side"
【唯爱永存】
18.
"Growing
old
with
you
is
all
aspire
for
in
life"
【白头偕老】
19.
"You're
my
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day,
and
love
you
more
with
each
passing
moment"
【阳光照耀人生每个角落】
20.
"Our
love
story
isn't
perfect,
but
it's
perfect
for
us"
【完美的不完美】