1.
"To
infinity
and
beyond!"
-
Toy
Story
【感悟无限的人生之旅】
2.
"You
can't
handle
the
truth!"
-
Few
Good
Men
【真相虽苦却不能回避】
3.
"May
the
force
be
with
you.
"
-
Star
Wars
【星际之间灵魂的相遇】
4.
"I'll
be
back.
"
-
The
Terminator
【坚毅就是成就的超能力】
5.
"I
see
dead
people.
"
-
The
Sixth
Sense
【看见死人的后悔与救赎】
6.
"Houston,
we
have
a
problem.
"
-
Apollo
【逆境中的坚韧与拯救】
7.
"Nobody
puts
Baby
in
a
corner.
"
-
Dirty
Dancing
【勇敢追求自由的初恋故事】
8.
"Love
means
never
having
to
say
you're
sorry.
"
-
Love
Story
【爱就是无需道歉】
9.
"I
feel
the
need.
.
.
the
need
for
speed!"
-
Top
Gun
【敢于拼搏,点燃生命激情】
10.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
-
Moulin
Rouge
【学会爱,才是最伟大的教训】
11.
"There's
no
place
like
home.
"
-
The
Wizard
of
Oz
【回到心灵的归宿,才能找到幸福】
12.
"Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
"
-
Ferris
Bueller's
Day
Off
【人生如电影,看好每一个画面】
13.
"You
have
bewitched
me,
body
and
soul.
"
-
Pride
and
Prejudice
【沉浸在爱的魔力中】
14.
"Keep
your
friends
close,
but
your
enemies
closer.
"
-
The
Godfather
【保持冷静,应对生活中的万事万物】
15.
"Hakuna
Matata.
It
means
no
worries.
"
-
The
Lion
King
【波折起伏中,保持悠然自得】
16.
"We're
all
stories
in
the
end,
just
make
it
a
good
one.
"
-
Doctor
Who
【我们都是故事的主人公,创造一个美好的结局】
17.
"Everything
do,
do
it
for
you.
"
-
Robin
Hood:
Prince
of
Thieves
【为你付出一切,只为你的微笑】
18.
"I'm
the
king
of
the
world!"
-
Titanic
【在波澜壮阔的世界中,爱不容错过】
19.
"Carpe
diem.
Seize
the
day,
boys.
Make
your
lives
extraordinary.
"
-
Dead
Poets
Society
【勇敢拥抱生命,让它变得与众不同】
20.
"You
know
what's
wrong
with
you,
Miss
Whoever-you-are?
You're
chicken,
you've
got
no
guts.
You're
afraid
to
stick
out
your
chin
and
say,
"Okay,
life's
a
fact,
people
do
fall
in
love,
people
do
belong
to
each
other,
because
that's
the
only
chance
anybody's
got
for
real
happiness.
"
-
Breakfast
at
Tiffany's
【没有勇气为爱拼搏,就永远不会知道幸福是什么】