1.
"Prem
eva
Jayate"
-
Love
alone
triumphs.
【Love】
2.
"Maitri
karuna
mudita
upekshanam
sukha
duhka
punya
apunya
Vishayanan
Samnumnaha"
-
The
four
immeasurable
qualities
of
friendliness,
compassion,
joy,
and
equanimity
create
the
conditions
of
happiness.
【Immeasurable
Qualities】
3.
"Yatra
naaryastu
poojyante
ramante
tatra
devataah"
-
Where
women
are
honored,
gods
reside.
【Women】
4.
"Karmani
ave
te
Sadaa
karma
karoti
Samachita"
-
One
who
works
to
the
best
of
his
abilities
without
worrying
about
the
outcome
is
called
a
"Karma
Yogi.
"
【Karma】
5.
"Aham
Brahmasmi"
-
am
the
infinite
reality.
【Reality】
6.
"Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam"
-
The
world
is
one
family.
【Unity】
7.
"Neti
Neti"
-
Not
this,
not
this.
【Duality】
8.
"Acharya
Devo
Bhava"
-
Respect
your
teachers,
they
are
like
gods.
【Respect】
9.
"Bhagavad
Gita
-
Prarambhah"
-
The
beginning
of
wisdom
is
to
know
your
ignorance.
【Wisdom】
10.
"Satyam,
Shivam,
Sundaram"
-
Truth,
Goodness,
and
Beauty.
【Values】
11.
"Netra
agni
aayushi
shakti"
-
The
eyes
are
the
windows
of
the
soul.
【Eyes】
12.
"Manasa,
vaachaa,
karmana"
-
Thoughts,
words,
and
deeds.
【Actions】
13.
"Ekam
Sat
Viprah
Bahudha
Vadanti"
-
Truth
is
one,
the
wise
call
it
by
different
names.
【Truth】
14.
"Asato
Ma
Sadgamaya,
Tamaso
Ma
Jyotirgamaya,
Mrtyorma
Amrtam
Gamaya"
-
Lead
me
from
falsehood
to
truth,
from
darkness
to
light,
and
from
death
to
immortality.
【Spirituality】
15.
"Sarve
Bhavantu
Sukhinah"
-
May
all
beings
be
happy.
【Happiness】
16.
"Atithi
Devo
Bhava"
-
Treat
your
guests
like
gods.
【Hospitality】
17.
"Uddhared
atmana
atmanam"
-
One
should
lift
himself
by
his
own
efforts.
【Self-Improvement】
18.
"Ananda
maya
abhyaasat"
-
Practice
leads
to
bliss.
【Practice】
19.
"Tattva
Masi"
-
Thou
art
that.
【Self-Realization】
20.
"Sarva
dharmaan
parityajya
maam
ekam
sharanam
vraja"
-
Abandon
all
varieties
of
religion
and
just
surrender
unto
me.
【Surrender】