1.
“As
time
passes,
memories
become
like
precious
gems
that
we
collect
along
the
way.
”
【时间流转,回忆就像我们沿途珍藏的宝石。
】
2.
“The
greatest
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
heal
wounds
and
soothe
troubled
hearts.
”
【时间最美之处在于它的疗愈力,能愈合伤口、平静心灵。
】
3.
“Behold,
the
passing
of
time
is
like
a
river
–
it
flows
steadily,
never
stopping
for
anyone
or
anything.
”
【时间之流如河水,静稳流淌,从不为任何人或事停留。
】
4.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
not
in
its
speed,
but
in
the
way
it
unfolds
the
mysteries
of
life
slowly
yet
surely.
”
【时间的美妙并不在于它的飞速,而在于它缓缓而来,揭示度日如年的人生奥秘。
】
5.
“Only
time
can
reveal
the
true
beauty
of
a
person’s
soul,
like
a
blooming
flower
in
the
spring.
”
【只有时间才能揭示人心的真正美丽,如开在春季的盛开鲜花。
】
6.
“As
time
passes,
we
grow
wiser,
stronger,
and
more
capable
of
facing
life’s
challenges
with
grace
and
courage.
”
【时间慢慢流逝,我们变得更加智慧、坚强,勇敢地面对人生的挑战。
】
7.
“Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
it
also
has
the
power
to
renew
our
spirits
and
rekindle
the
flame
of
hope
within
us.
”
【时间可以治愈所有创伤,但它也能重燃我们心中的希望之火,焕发新的生命力。
】
8.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
bring
us
closer
to
those
we
love,
and
to
help
us
cherish
every
precious
moment.
”
【时间的美在于它能让我们和所爱之人更加亲近,珍惜每一个宝贵时刻。
】
9.
“Time
is
a
gift
that
we
must
use
wisely,
for
once
it
is
gone,
it
can
never
be
reclaimed.
”
【时间是我们必须明智地利用的礼物,因为一旦流逝,它就再也回不来了。
】
10.
“As
time
passes,
we
learn
that
happiness
is
not
found
in
material
possessions,
but
in
the
beauty
of
the
world
and
the
love
of
those
around
us.
”
【时间慢慢流逝,我们领悟到幸福并非在物质财富中,而在于世界的美好和所爱之人的温暖。
】
11.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
teach
us
important
lessons,
and
to
prepare
us
for
life’s
greatest
challenges.
”
【时间的美在于它能够教会我们重要的人生课程,为我们迎接生活的重大挑战做好准备。
】
12.
“Time
is
the
essence
of
life,
and
we
must
use
it
wisely
if
we
hope
to
achieve
our
dreams
and
reach
our
full
potential.
”
【时间是生命的精髓,如果我们想要实现梦想、发挥自己的全部潜能,就必须明智地利用它。
】
13.
“As
time
passes,
we
discover
that
every
moment
is
a
precious
gift,
and
that
we
must
cherish
and
make
the
most
of
each
one.
”
【时间慢慢流逝,我们发现每一个时刻都是宝贵的礼物,我们必须珍惜并充分利用它。
】
14.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
bring
us
new
people,
new
experiences,
and
new
opportunities
that
enrich
our
lives.
”
【时间的美在于它能够带给我们新的人、新的经历、新的机会,丰富我们的生命。
】
15.
“Only
time
can
tell
the
true
story
of
a
person’s
journey
through
life,
with
all
its
ups
and
downs,
triumphs
and
tragedies.
”
【只有时间才能讲述一个人在人生旅途中的真实故事,包括一切荣辱、胜利和悲剧。
】
16.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
remind
us
of
all
the
joys,
sorrows,
and
lessons
we
have
experienced
along
the
way.
”
【时间的美在于它能够提醒我们,我们曾经经历过的所有欢乐、悲伤和教训。
】
17.
“As
time
passes,
we
learn
that
forgiveness,
love,
and
compassion
are
the
true
treasures
of
life,
which
bring
us
happiness
and
inner
peace.
”
【时间慢慢流逝,我们领悟到宽恕、爱和怜悯是生命的真正财富,带给我们幸福和内心的平静。
】
18.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
bring
us
closer
to
our
true
selves,
and
to
help
us
discover
our
innermost
desires
and
passions.
”
【时间的美在于它能够使我们更加接近真实的自我,帮助我们发现内心的慾望和热情。
】
19.
“Time
is
a
gift
that
we
must
cherish
and
use
wisely,
for
it
is
the
foundation
upon
which
we
build
our
lives.
”
【时间是我们必须珍惜并明智地利用的礼物,因为它是我们建立生命基石的基础。
】
20.
“The
beauty
of
time
lies
in
its
ability
to
help
us
find
meaning
and
purpose
in
our
lives,
and
to
inspire
us
to
make
a
difference
in
the
world.
”
【时间的美在于它能够帮助我们在生命中找到意义和目的,并激励我们为这个世界带来改变。
】