优雅句子唯美短句英语(优雅转身的句子唯美短句)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
"The
world
is
a
canvas,
paint
your
own
masterpiece
with
the
beauty
of
elegant
words.
"
【美丽的词句,如油画上的色彩,让世界更美好。
】
2.
"Words
hold
the
power
to
heal
and
the
power
to
destroy,
choose
them
wisely.
"
【言辞具有治愈的力量,也有毁灭的力量,使用时需谨慎。
】
3.
"A
beautiful
sentence
is
a
melody
to
the
soul.
"
【一句优美的话语,犹如灵魂的乐章。
】
4.
"Words
can
be
a
sword
or
a
shield,
use
them
wisely.
"
【言辞如剑,也如盾,使用聪明应对。
】
5.
"In
a
world
full
of
noise,
let
your
words
be
a
moment
of
calm.
"
【在喧嚣中寻找片刻的宁静,用言语缔造。
】
6.
"The
magic
of
language
lies
in
its
ability
to
create
beauty
out
of
nothingness.
"
【语言的奇妙之处在于,让虚无构建美丽。
】
7.
"Words
can
be
a
heartbeat,
a
whisper,
or
a
thunderstorm.
"
【言辞可如心跳般跃动,像耳语般温柔,也可像暴风雨般激烈。
】
8.
"With
every
word
we
speak,
we
leave
a
lasting
impact
on
those
around
us.
"
【每一句话语都会在周围人心中留下永久的印记。
】
9.
"The
beauty
of
language
lies
not
in
the
words
we
choose,
but
how
we
string
them
together.
"
【语言之美不在于单词的选择,而在于处理它们的方式。
】
10.
"A
well-worded
phrase
can
change
the
world,
one
person
at
a
time.
"
【一句巧妙的话语能改变世界,从一个人开始。
】
11.
"Language
is
the
tool
we
use
to
shape
reality,
so
let's
use
it
to
create
a
better
one.
"
【语言是塑造现实的秘钥,因此用它创造更美好的世界。
】
12.
"The
art
of
language
is
in
its
ability
to
convey
emotion
without
saying
a
word.
"
【语言的艺术在于能够传递情感,无需言语。
】
13.
"A
well-crafted
sentence
has
the
ability
to
transcend
time
and
touch
the
hearts
of
generations
to
come.
"
【优美的句子能跨越时代,打动未来的心灵。
】
14.
"Words
are
like
feathers,
they
can
lift
us
up
or
send
us
crashing
down.
"
【言辞如羽毛,可以让我们翱翔也可以让我们坠落。
】
15.
"The
power
of
language
is
in
the
stories
we
tell,
so
tell
your
story
with
gracefulness
and
truthfulness.
"
【语言的力量在于我们讲述的故事,因此以优雅真诚的方式讲述故事。
】
16.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
in
its
ability
to
connect
us
to
each
other
and
to
the
world
around
us.
"
【语言之美在于连接我们与他人,将我们和世界联接。
】
17.
"Words
can
be
a
window
to
the
soul,
so
let
your
words
reflect
the
beauty
within.
"
【言辞可以成为窥视灵魂的窗口,让你的言辞折射内在的美。
】
18.
"Language
is
the
poetry
of
the
world,
let
us
use
it
to
paint
the
world
with
beauty.
"
【语言是世界的诗歌,让我们用它将世界装点得更美丽。
】
19.
"In
the
chaos
of
life,
let
your
words
be
a
spark
of
hope
and
a
ray
of
light.
"
【在生活的混沌中,让你的言辞成为希望的火花和光明的闪耀。
】
20.
"The
beauty
of
language
is
in
its
power
to
inspire,
to
transform,
and
to
move
us
towards
a
better
future.
"
【语言之美在于激励、改变和引导我们走向更美好的未来。
】