1.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【-
Haruki
Murakami】
2.
"They
say
time
heals
all
wounds,
but
time
just
creates
a
scar
that
never
fully
fades.
"
【-
Anonymous】
3.
"It
hurts
to
breathe
because
every
breath
take
proves
can't
live
without
you.
"
【-
Anonymous】
4.
"I
wish
there
was
a
way
to
unfeel
the
pain,
but
it's
like
a
wound
that
refuses
to
close.
"
【-
Anonymous】
5.
"Sometimes
the
deepest
wounds
aren't
the
ones
that
bleed
on
the
outside.
"
【-
Anonymous】
6.
"I
don't
know
what
hurts
more:
the
fact
that
you're
gone
or
the
memories
that
will
never
leave
me.
"
【-
Anonymous】
7.
"Sometimes,
the
love
that
we
lost
is
the
one
that
stays
with
us
forever.
"
【-
Anonymous】
8.
"The
tears
in
my
eyes
are
the
only
way
my
heart
can
speak.
"
【-
Anonymous】
9.
"Nobody
can
escape
the
pain,
but
there
are
always
those
who
suffer
more.
"
【-
Anonymous】
10.
"The
hardest
thing
about
saying
goodbye
is
accepting
that
it's
really
over.
"
【-
Anonymous】
11.
"Love
can
feel
like
heaven,
or
it
can
hurt
like
hell.
"
【-
Anonymous】
12.
"Maybe
in
another
life,
we'll
get
the
chance
to
love
each
other
without
fear.
"
【-
Anonymous】
13.
"It's
easier
to
forget
our
pain
when
we're
too
busy
trying
to
hold
ourselves
together.
"
【-
Anonymous】
14.
"You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
you're
faced
with
heartbreak
that
tests
every
ounce
of
your
being.
"
【-
Anonymous】
15.
"I
thought
time
would
heal
my
wounds,
but
it
only
made
me
miss
you
more.
"
【-
Anonymous】
16.
"Some
people
come
into
our
lives
just
to
leave
their
mark,
and
others
come
to
leave
scars.
"
【-
Anonymous】
17.
"There's
a
difference
between
the
pain
that
hurts
you
and
the
pain
that
changes
you.
"
【-
Anonymous】
18.
"I'm
okay,
until
someone
asks
me
how
I'm
doing.
"
【-
Anonymous】
19.
"Sometimes
it
feels
like
I'm
drowning
in
my
own
tears,
and
there's
no
end
in
sight.
"
【-
Anonymous】
20.
"I
wish
could
go
back
to
the
moment
when
wasn't
broken
yet.
"
【-
Anonymous】