1.
“Patrolling
the
streets
and
protecting
the
community,
one
post
at
a
time!”】
2.
“Just
another
day
keeping
the
city
safe.
#ThinBlueLine”】
3.
“Despite
the
long
hours
and
tough
calls,
wouldn’t
want
to
do
anything
else.
#ProudPoliceOfficer”】
4.
“Behind
the
wheel,
but
never
off-duty.
Always
watching
out
for
our
citizens
#PublicSafetyFirst”】
5.
“Can’t
give
away
too
much
of
the
day’s
action,
but
let’s
just
say
it
was
a
productive
shift
#KeepingOurStreetsSafe”】
6.
“Every
day
is
a
new
adventure
when
you’re
in
uniform.
#ProtectAndServe”】
7.
“From
traffic
stops
to
community
events,
we’re
always
on
the
job.
”】
8.
“Some
might
say
it’s
just
a
job,
but
for
me,
it’s
a
calling.
#DedicatedToMyCity”】
9.
“Just
finished
an
intense
call,
but
ready
to
get
back
out
there
and
keep
up
the
good
work.
#NeverGiveUp”】
10.
“The
streets
may
be
quiet
now,
but
we’re
always
ready
for
whatever
comes
our
way.
#PreparedForAnything”】
11.
“Serving
and
protecting
our
community
is
not
just
a
job,
it’s
an
honor.
#ProudBlueliner”】
12.
“Every
time
get
behind
the
wheel,
know
I’m
making
a
difference.
#MakingADifference”】
13.
“From
sun
up
to
sun
down,
we’re
working
hard
to
keep
our
city
safe.
#24Seven”】
14.
“Whether
it’s
a
routine
traffic
stop
or
a
high-risk
situation,
we’re
always
ready
to
spring
into
action.
#AlwaysOnCall”】
15.
“Keeping
the
peace,
enforcing
the
law,
and
making
sure
our
citizens
stay
safe.
”】
16.
“Every
time
head
to
work,
know
I’m
part
of
something
bigger
than
myself.
#TeamEffort”】
17.
“A
day
in
the
life
of
a
police
officer
is
never
boring.
#KeepsMeOnMyToes”】
18.
“We
may
not
always
get
the
credit,
but
we’re
always
here,
doing
our
best
to
keep
our
community
safe.
#HumbleHeroes”】
19.
“Long
nights,
tough
calls,
and
endless
hours
on
the
job.
But
there’s
nowhere
else
I’d
rather
be.
#ServingMyCity”】
20.
“Every
time
put
on
the
uniform,
know
have
a
job
to
do.
And
I’m
proud
to
do
it.
#InItForTheLongHaul”】