1.
"Behind
every
great
man
stands
a
strong
woman.
"
【男人背后,有一位坚强的女人支持着。
】
2.
"The
way
a
man
treats
his
wife
reflects
the
type
of
man
he
truly
is.
"
【一个男人对待妻子的方式反映出他真正的品格。
】
3.
"A
successful
marriage
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
"
【一段成功的婚姻需要多次坠入爱河,与同一位人共度余生。
】
4.
"A
real
man
is
one
who
puts
his
family
first,
even
when
it
hurts.
"
【真正的男人会把家人放在第一位,即使这会给他带来伤痛。
】
5.
"Behind
every
great
woman
is
a
strong
man
who
supports
her
dreams.
"
【每一个伟大的女人的背后,都有一位坚强的男人支持着她的梦想。
】
6.
"A
successful
woman
is
one
who
can
build
a
firm
foundation
with
the
bricks
others
have
thrown
at
her.
"
【成功的女性是那些能够用别人扔给她的砖头来打造坚实基础的人。
】
7.
"The
best
thing
a
woman
can
do
for
herself
is
to
love
herself
unconditionally.
"
【女性给自己最好的礼物就是无条件地爱自己。
】
8.
"A
real
woman
is
one
who
knows
her
worth
and
never
settles
for
less.
"
【真正的女性懂得自己的价值,并永不妥协。
】
9.
"Marry
the
person
who
makes
you
feel
like
home.
"
【与那个让你有家的感觉的人结婚。
】
10.
"In
a
great
relationship,
the
love
you
give
is
only
surpassed
by
the
love
you
receive.
"
【在一段伟大的关系中,你给出的爱将被你收到的爱所超越。
】
11.
"A
relationship
requires
effort
from
both
partners,
not
just
one.
"
【一段关系需要双方的努力,而不是仅仅一方。
】
12.
"You
don't
find
love,
love
finds
you.
"
【你不是去寻找爱情,相反是爱情找到你。
】
13.
"Communication
is
the
foundation
of
any
healthy
relationship.
"
【交流是任何健康关系的基础。
】
14.
"Being
single
doesn't
mean
you're
incomplete;
it
means
you're
whole
on
your
own.
"
【单身不代表你不完整,它意味着你很好独自一人。
】
15.
"A
successful
relationship
involves
two
imperfect
people
learning
to
love
each
other
perfectly.
"
【一段成功的关系涉及两个不完美的人学会如何完美地相爱。
】
16.
"A
man
should
never
make
his
wife
feel
invisible.
"
【一个男人绝不应该让他的妻子感到被忽视。
】
17.
"The
best
thing
a
man
can
do
for
his
children
is
to
love
their
mother.
"
【一个男人为他的孩子们所能做的最好的事就是爱他们的母亲。
】
18.
"Marriage
is
a
partnership,
not
a
dictatorship.
"
【婚姻是一种合伙关系,而不是一种独裁。
】
19.
"When
a
relationship
is
truly
worth
it,
you'll
know
because
it
makes
you
grow
as
a
person.
"
【当一段关系真正值得时,你会知道,因为它会促使你作为一个人成长。
】
20.
"The
best
thing
a
woman
can
wear
is
her
confidence.
"
【女性最好的装扮就是她们的自信。
】