1.
Life
is
short,
make
every
moment
count!
【#seizetheday】
2.
Let
your
passion
burn
brighter
than
your
fears.
【#nevergiveup】
3.
Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
【#confidenceiskey】
4.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【#persistenceisthekey】
5.
The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
【#settinggoals】
6.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
【#chaseyourdreams】
7.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【#lovewhatyoudo】
8.
Your
time
is
limited,
don't
waste
it
living
someone
else's
life.
【#beyourself】
9.
Dream
big,
work
hard,
stay
focused,
and
surround
yourself
with
good
people.
【#teamworkmakesthedreamwork】
10.
Take
action,
and
turn
your
dreams
into
reality.
【#justdoit】
11.
It's
not
about
being
the
best,
it's
about
being
better
than
you
were
yesterday.
【#constantimprovement】
12.
Don't
stop
when
you're
tired,
stop
when
you're
done.
【#nevergiveup】
13.
The
hardest
step
is
always
the
first
one.
【#takeaction】
14.
Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back
from
achieving
your
dreams.
【#fearless】
15.
The
future
belongs
to
those
who
believe
in
the
beauty
of
their
dreams.
【#dreambig】
16.
Your
potential
is
limitless,
don't
settle
for
less.
【#limitless】
17.
Your
mindset
determines
your
success.
【#positivityiskey】
18.
You're
only
one
decision
away
from
a
totally
different
life.
【#makeachange】
19.
Don't
just
talk
about
it,
be
about
it.
【#actionsspeaklouderthanwords】
20.
Chase
your
dreams,
achieve
your
goals,
and
live
your
best
life.
【#chaseyourgoals】