1.
"I
tried
to
organize
a
professional
hide
and
seek
tournament,
but
it
was
a
complete
failure
because
good
players
were
hard
to
find.
"
【笑话】
2.
"Whenever
try
to
cook
something
healthy,
my
refrigerator
magically
transforms
into
a
bakery.
"
【搞笑语录】
3.
"I'm
not
arguing,
I'm
just
explaining
why
I'm
right.
"
【幽默句子】
4.
"I
told
my
wife
she
was
drawing
her
eyebrows
too
high.
She
looked
surprised.
"
【搞笑语言】
5.
"Oops,
just
remembered
that
promised
to
be
less
sarcastic
this
week.
.
.
Well,
that's
going
to
be
really
fun.
"
【搞笑语录】
6.
"Why
do
they
put
locks
on
stores
that
are
open
24/7?
Do
they
think
someone
will
break
in
just
to
organize
the
shelves?"
【有趣的句子】
7.
"I'm
not
lazy,
I'm
just
conserving
energy.
"
【幽默语录】
8.
"Why
do
people
say
'life
is
short'?
Life
is
literally
the
longest
thing
anybody
will
ever
experience.
"
【搞笑句子】
9.
"I
always
tell
myself
that
I'm
going
to
go
to
bed
early,
but
then
eleven
O'clock
rolls
around
and
become
a
philosopher.
"
【逗乐语言】
10.
"I
try
not
to
take
life
too
seriously,
but
my
bank
account
keeps
getting
in
the
way.
"
【幽默语录】
11.
"I
asked
my
wife
if
she
wanted
to
switch
up
the
roles
and
let
me
cook
dinner.
She
said
'fine',
and
ended
up
making
reservations.
"
【搞笑语言】
12.
"I'm
not
arguing
with
you,
I'm
just
explaining
why
you're
wrong.
"
【幽默句子】
13.
"I
never
knew
how
much
needed
hours
of
sleep
until
tried
to
get
by
on
4.
"
【逗乐语录】
14.
"I
tried
to
start
a
hot
air
balloon
business,
but
it
never
really
took
off.
"
【笑话】
15.
"My
girlfriend
told
me
to
go
out
and
get
something
that
makes
her
look
sexy,
so
came
back
drunk.
"
【搞笑语言】
16.
"The
problem
with
being
punctual
is
that
nobody's
there
to
appreciate
it.
"
【幽默语录】
17.
"I
told
my
wife
that
a
husband
is
like
a
fine
wine,
he
gets
better
with
age.
She
said
'yeah,
just
like
vinegar'.
"
【逗乐语录】
18.
"I
used
to
play
sports,
but
then
realized
you
can
buy
trophies.
Now
I'm
good
at
everything.
"
【幽默句子】
19.
"I'm
not
lazy,
I'm
just
on
energy
saving
mode.
"
【搞笑语言】
20.
"I
think
have
a
photographic
memory,
but
always
forget
to
bring
a
camera.
"
【笑话】