1.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
that
shall
say
good
night
till
it
be
morrow.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
2.
"When
he
shall
die,
take
him
and
cut
him
out
in
little
stars,
and
he
will
make
the
face
of
heaven
so
fine
that
all
the
world
will
be
in
love
with
night.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
3.
"I
am
not
merry;
but
do
beguile
the
thing
am
by
seeming
otherwise.
"
【As
You
Like
It】
4.
"My
love
is
as
a
fever,
longing
still
for
that
which
longer
nurseth
the
disease.
"
【Sonnet
147】
5.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind,
and
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
6.
"Good
night,
sweet
prince,
and
flights
of
angels
sing
thee
to
thy
rest!"
【Hamlet】
7.
"To
be,
or
not
to
be:
that
is
the
question:
whether
'tis
nobler
in
the
mind
to
suffer
the
slings
and
arrows
of
outrageous
fortune,
or
to
take
arms
against
a
sea
of
troubles,
and
by
opposing
end
them?"
【Hamlet】
8.
"My
words
fly
up,
my
thoughts
remain
below:
Words
without
thoughts
never
to
heaven
go.
"
【Hamlet】
9.
"All
the
world's
a
stage,
and
all
the
men
and
women
merely
players:
they
have
their
exits
and
their
entrances;
and
one
man
in
his
time
plays
many
parts,
his
acts
being
seven
ages.
"
【As
You
Like
It】
10.
"O,
she
doth
teach
the
torches
to
burn
bright!
It
seems
she
hangs
upon
the
cheek
of
night
like
a
rich
jewel
in
an
Ethiope's
ear.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
11.
"As
soon
go
kindle
fire
with
snow,
as
seek
to
quench
the
fire
of
love
with
words.
"
【Two
Gentlemen
of
Verona】
12.
"Farewell,
my
love,
and
my
last
sadness.
With
this
kiss
die.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
13.
"My
mistress'
eyes
are
nothing
like
the
sun;
coral
is
far
more
red
than
her
lips'
red.
"
【Sonnet
130】
14.
"When
sorrows
come,
they
come
not
single
spies,
but
in
battalions.
"
【Hamlet】
15.
"Love
is
not
love
which
alters
when
it
alteration
finds.
"
【Sonnet
116】
16.
"What's
in
a
name?
That
which
we
call
a
rose
by
any
other
name
would
smell
as
sweet.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
17.
"O,
it
is
excellent
to
have
a
giant's
strength,
but
it
is
tyrannous
to
use
it
like
a
giant.
"
【Measure
for
Measure】
18.
"Do
not
swear
by
the
moon,
for
she
changes
constantly.
Then
your
love
would
also
change.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
19.
"This
above
all:
to
thine
own
self
be
true,
and
it
must
follow,
as
the
night
the
day,
thou
canst
not
then
be
false
to
any
man.
"
【Hamlet】
20.
"Love
all,
trust
a
few,
do
wrong
to
none.
"
【All's
Well
That
Ends
Well】