1.
Love
is
not
only
something
you
feel,
it
is
something
you
do.
–
David
Wilkerson【爱不仅是情感,更是行动。
】
2.
True
love
is
like
ghosts,
which
everyone
talks
about
and
few
have
seen.
–
Francois
de
La
Rochefoucauld【真正的爱情就像幽灵,人人都谈论,却很少有人了解。
】
3.
true
love
story
never
ends.
–
Unknown【真正的爱情故事永远不会结束。
】
4.
Love
is
not
finding
someone
to
live
with,
it's
finding
someone
you
can't
live
without.
–
Rafael
Ortiz【爱不是找一个可以共度一生的人,而是找一个你离不开的人。
】
5.
The
best
thing
to
hold
onto
in
life
is
each
other.
–
Audrey
Hepburn【人生中最珍贵的是相互拥有。
】
6.
Love
isn't
something
you
find.
Love
is
something
that
finds
you.
–
Loretta
Young【爱不是你找到的,是它找到你的。
】
7.
To
love
is
to
receive
a
glimpse
of
heaven.
–
Karen
Sunde【爱是天堂一瞥。
】
8.
The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
–
Victor
Hugo【人生最大的幸福是相信我们被爱着;因为我们的自我、我们的不完美而被爱着。
】
9.
Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
–
Michael
Novak【爱不是一种快乐的感觉,而是一种愿意为他人付出的精神。
】
10.
Where
there
is
love
there
is
life.
–
Mahatma
Gandhi【有爱就有生命。
】
11.
You
know
you're
in
love
when
you
can't
fall
asleep
because
reality
is
finally
better
than
your
dreams.
–
Dr.
Seuss【当你不能入睡,因为现实终于比你的梦境更美好,你才知道你恋爱了。
】
12.
Love
is
when
the
other
person’s
happiness
is
more
important
than
your
own.
–
H.
Jackson
Brown
Jr.
【爱就是对方的幸福比自己更重要。
】
13.
If
you
live
to
be
a
hundred,
want
to
live
to
be
a
hundred
minus
one
day
so
never
have
to
live
without
you.
–
A.
A.
Milne【如果你能活到一百岁,我希望我能活到一百岁减一天,这样我永远都不用没有你的日子。
】
14.
Love
does
not
dominate;
it
cultivates.
–
Johann
Wolfgang
von
Goethe
【爱不是支配,而是培育。
】
15.
We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
–
Edgar
Allan
Poe【我们以一种超越爱的爱相爱着。
】
16.
The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
–
Moulin
Rouge【你学到的最重要的事情就是去爱和被爱。
】
17.
We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
–
Edgar
Allan
Poe【我们以一种超越爱的爱相爱着。
】
18.
Love
is
like
pi
–
natural,
irrational,
and
very
important.
–
Lisa
Hoffman【爱就像圆周率一样——自然、非理性且非常重要。
】
19.
Love
is
when
two
people
who
care
for
each
other
get
confused.
–
Bob
Schneider【当两个互相关心的人感到困惑时,这就是爱。
】
20.
Love
is
not
only
something
you
feel,
it
is
something
you
do.
–
David
Wilkerson【爱不仅是情感,更是行动。
】