1.
"Sometimes
it
feels
like
I'm
just
going
through
the
motions
of
life.
"
【感到生活渐渐变得空虚】
2.
"My
days
seem
to
lack
purpose
and
meaning.
"
【感觉生活缺少目标和意义】
3.
"The
daily
grind
is
starting
to
wear
me
down.
"
【日常琐事让我感到疲惫不堪】
4.
"I'm
surrounded
by
people,
but
still
feel
utterly
alone.
"
【身处人群却感到孤独】
5.
"It's
like
I'm
stuck
in
a
rut
and
can't
find
my
way
out.
"
【好像被困在了某个死胡同里,无法自拔】
6.
"Even
the
things
that
used
to
bring
me
joy
no
longer
do.
"
【曾经喜欢的事情也不再能让我感到快乐】
7.
"I
feel
like
I'm
just
existing,
not
truly
living.
"
【感觉自己只是在存在,而非真正的生活】
8.
"My
life
is
devoid
of
passion
and
excitement.
"
【生活缺少激情和刺激】
9.
"I
wake
up
every
day
feeling
unfulfilled
and
discontented.
"
【每天醒来都感觉不满足和不满意】
10.
"The
future
just
seems
like
a
bleak
and
endless
cycle.
"
【未来看起来如此黯淡和无望】
11.
"I've
lost
sight
of
who
am
and
what
want
in
life.
"
【迷失了自我和对生活的追求】
12.
"I
feel
disconnected
from
the
world
around
me.
"
【感到与周围的世界疏离】
13.
"It's
like
I'm
just
going
through
the
motions,
with
no
real
purpose
or
direction.
"
【好像只是在机械地走着,没有真正的目标和方向】
14.
"My
life
is
devoid
of
any
real
connections
or
relationships.
"
【生活中缺少真正的联系和关系】
15.
"The
monotony
of
my
routine
is
suffocating.
"
【日复一日的例行公事让我感到窒息】
16.
"I
feel
like
I'm
living
someone
else's
life,
not
my
own.
"
【感觉自己活的是别人的生活,而非自己的】
17.
"There's
a
constant
sense
of
emptiness
and
unhappiness
deep
inside
me.
"
【内心深处始终有一种空虚和不快】
18.
"Every
day
feels
like
a
struggle,
with
no
real
reward
at
the
end.
"
【每天都感觉是一场挣扎,没有真正的回报】
19.
"I'm
missing
something
essential
in
my
life,
but
don't
know
what
it
is.
"
【我的生活中缺少某种重要的东西,但我不知道是什么】
20.
"It's
like
I'm
just
going
through
the
motions,
waiting
for
something
to
change.
"
【好像只是在机械地走着,等待着一些改变的到来】