1.
Sometimes
it's
not
about
the
words,
but
purely
about
the
presence.
【陪伴是最好的语言】
2.
Holding
someone's
hand
in
silence
can
speak
louder
than
shouting
your
love
from
a
rooftop.
【无声的陪伴胜过千言万语】
3.
Time
spent
with
loved
ones
is
never
wasted.
【陪伴的岁月从不浪费】
4.
Life
is
too
short
to
not
treasure
the
moments
we
have
with
those
we
love.
【珍惜与所爱人相伴的时光吧】
5.
Being
there
for
someone
when
they
need
you
is
one
of
the
greatest
gifts
you
can
give.
【当所爱人需要你时愿意陪伴,是最好的礼物】
6.
true
friend
is
someone
who's
there
for
you
even
when
you're
not
at
your
best.
【真正的朋友,永远在你最需要的时候陪伴】
7.
Sometimes
all
we
need
is
a
shoulder
to
cry
on,
someone
to
lean
on,
someone
to
listen.
【有时候,我们只需要一只可依靠的肩膀,一份聆听与倾诉】
8.
Love
is
not
about
grand
gestures,
but
about
the
small
acts
of
kindness
we
show
each
other
every
day.
【爱不在于华丽的表演,而在于平凡的细节和温暖之举】
9.
We
don't
always
have
to
have
the
right
words
to
say,
sometimes
just
being
there
is
enough.
【没必要总是轻舌薄唇,有时候,陪伴就是最好的表达】
10.
When
we're
surrounded
by
loved
ones,
we're
never
truly
alone.
【当我们与所爱人共度时光,我们就永远不会孤独】
11.
The
best
moments
in
life
are
the
ones
we
share
with
those
we
care
about.
【生命中最美好的时光,便是与所爱人共同度过的时光】
12.
Even
if
we
can't
be
physically
present,
we
can
always
be
there
in
spirit.
【即便身不在,心却与所爱人同在】
13.
The
greatest
gift
of
all
is
the
gift
of
time.
Spend
it
wisely
with
those
we
love.
【时间是最好的礼物,与所爱人共度的时光,永远值得用心珍惜】
14.
Sometimes
the
best
way
to
show
we
care
is
simply
by
being
there.
【表达关爱,有时候,无须繁琐的言语,陪伴就足够了】
15.
Love
is
not
a
noun,
it's
a
verb.
It's
something
we
actively
choose
to
give
and
show
every
single
day.
【爱不是名词,而是动词。
它是我们每天都在行动中给予和展现的】
16.
In
the
end,
it's
not
the
things
we
have
that
matter,
but
the
people
we
have
around
us.
【最终,重要的不是我们所拥有的物质,而是与我们共度时光的人】
17.
We
were
never
meant
to
go
through
life
alone.
That's
why
we
have
each
other.
【我们从未注定孤独终老,因为我们最终互相陪伴】
18.
True
love
is
not
about
changing
someone,
but
about
accepting
them
for
who
they
are
and
standing
by
them
no
matter
what.
【真正的爱,不是要求改变对方,而是接纳TA的天性,无论涉及何种境遇,陪伴】
19.
The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
someone
is
our
time.
It's
something
that
can
never
be
taken
back
or
bought.
【我们能给予他人的最宝贵的礼物,是我们的时间。
它是无法夺取、无可替代的】
20.
We
may
not
be
able
to
control
the
length
of
our
life,
but
we
can
control
the
depth
of
it
and
the
love
we
pour
into
it.
【我们或许无法掌控生命的长度,但我们却可以掌控深度,以及我们倾注其中的爱】