1.
"Love
and
joy
fill
the
air
as
my
dear
friends
happily
tie
the
knot!"
【新郎新娘今朝喜结良缘,祝福恩爱长存】
2.
"Wishing
my
newlywed
friends
a
lifetime
of
happiness
and
togetherness!"
【祝福新婚之福,白头偕老共度人生】
3.
"The
bride
and
groom
make
a
picture-perfect
couple,
glowing
with
happiness!"
【新婚伉俪组合最佳,状似神仙自有仙家】
4.
"Cheers
to
the
newlyweds,
may
your
love
keep
growing
stronger
with
every
passing
day!"
【恭祝新人百年好合,爱情日渐坚定】
5.
"My
heart
is
full
of
joy
to
witness
the
unbreakable
bond
between
two
people
in
love!"
【心中欢喜不已,为恋人宣誓不离不弃】
6.
"A
beautiful
day
to
celebrate
the
start
of
a
beautiful
forever!"
【喜迎良辰美景,承载美满的永久】
7.
"May
your
marriage
be
as
sweet
and
wonderful
as
your
wedding
day!"
【祝福婚姻如同婚礼般甜蜜美好】
8.
"Congratulations
to
my
dear
friends
on
their
new
journey
together,
filled
with
love
and
bliss!"
【恭喜亲爱的友人,共赴爱情的甜美旅途】
9.
"The
wedding
bells
chime,
announcing
a
new
chapter
in
the
bride
and
groom's
love
story!"
【新婚钟声响起,为伉俪爱情添上新篇章】
10.
"As
you
start
your
marital
journey,
may
the
path
ahead
be
filled
with
joy,
love,
and
laughter!"
【婚姻之路注满欢笑、爱、和幸福】
11.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
you
both
are
setting
off
on
the
most
awesome
and
exciting
adventure
of
your
lives!"
【人生充满奇妙之旅,恭祝开启美好冒险】
12.
"May
your
marriage
be
gloriously
blessed,
like
the
sunshine
that
brightens
up
the
sky!"
【愿婚姻鲜艳如阳光,普照江湖大地】
13.
"The
love
shared
by
the
newlyweds
is
simply
inspiring,
giving
hope
and
faith
to
all
those
around
them!"
【新婚燃烧爱火,启发周遭自信与希望】
14.
"Here's
to
an
extraordinary
couple,
beginning
an
extraordinary
journey,
bound
to
create
extraordinary
memories!"
【品味非凡恋人,开启非凡旅途,缔造非凡记忆】
15.
"May
your
hearts
beat
as
one,
and
your
love
be
never-ending,
always
growing
stronger
and
deeper!"
【今后欣欣向荣,爱情永不随波逐流,日益坚挺】
16.
"May
your
beautiful
union
be
enriched
with
understanding,
patience,
and
a
bunch
of
laughter!"
【祝福你们幸福美满,充满理解、耐心和笑声】
17.
"The
new
Mr.
and
Mrs.
are
exactly
what
true
love
looks
like,
shining
brighter
together!"
【新夫妇不负真爱,共同闪耀锦绣人生】
18.
"Today
marks
the
beginning
of
a
beautiful
journey
of
love,
commitment,
and
companionship
for
you
both!"
【新婚之日,开启幸福之旅,相互承诺陪伴一生】
19.
"The
love
shared
by
the
newlyweds
is
like
a
magical
fairy
tale,
beautifully
written
and
perfectly
blended!"
【新婚的恋爱之花,宛如魔幻童话,精彩纷呈】
20.
"May
the
two
of
you
grow
old
together,
cherishing
each
other's
love
and
life,
every
single
day!"
【愿你们相伴终身,相互珍惜爱与人生,一生相濡以沫】