1.
在设计生活中,你可以让自己的生活更有品位,更有质量
【Designing
life
can
make
your
life
more
tasteful
and
of
higher
quality.
】
2.
每一个日常琐碎的小事都可以变得有趣和有意义
【Every
trivial
daily
chore
can
become
interesting
and
purposeful.
】
3.
设计生活不仅仅是让你自己的生活更好,也能将快乐和美好分享给他人
【Designing
life
not
only
makes
your
own
life
better
but
also
allows
you
to
share
happiness
and
beauty
with
others.
】
4.
好的设计能够让你的日常生活更加顺心、舒适
【Good
design
can
make
your
daily
life
smoother
and
more
comfortable.
】
5.
从小事做起,让生活变得精彩不再枯燥
【Start
from
small
things
to
make
life
more
exciting
and
less
dull.
】
6.
设计的力量能够让你变得更有创造力和想象力
【The
power
of
design
can
make
you
more
creative
and
imaginative.
】
7.
用设计的眼光看待生活,你会发现有趣的细节无处不在
【Looking
at
life
through
the
eyes
of
design,
you
will
find
interesting
details
everywhere.
】
8.
设计生活需要的是一颗开放的心和乐观的态度
【Designing
life
requires
an
open
mind
and
a
positive
attitude.
】
9.
生活中最重要的不是追求短暂的刺激,而是在平凡的日子里寻找美好
【The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
not
to
pursue
fleeting
excitement
but
to
find
beauty
in
ordinary
days.
】
10.
设计生活,就是要用美丽打动人心,用创意留下印记
【Designing
life
is
about
impressing
people
with
beauty
and
leaving
an
imprint
with
creativity.
】
11.
生活中的每一个角落都有值得发掘的美好,设计可以帮你实现
【There
is
beauty
to
be
discovered
in
every
corner
of
life,
and
design
can
help
you
achieve
it.
】
12.
设计让生活充满可能性,让你享受到日常生活的美好
【Design
makes
life
full
of
possibilities
and
allows
you
to
enjoy
the
beauty
of
daily
life.
】
13.
通过设计,你可以把普通的生活翻转成更加舒适、更加轻松的状态
【Through
design,
you
can
turn
ordinary
life
into
a
more
comfortable
and
relaxed
state.
】
14.
设计生活需要的不是极致的完美,而是做到最佳的平衡状态
【Designing
life
requires
not
extreme
perfection,
but
achieving
the
best
balance.
】
15.
设计不是华丽的表面,而是实实在在的改善生活品质
【Design
is
not
about
fancy
exteriors,
but
about
real
improvements
in
the
quality
of
life.
】
16.
设计生活是一种态度,发现美好生活需要保持积极向上的心态
【Designing
life
is
an
attitude,
discovering
the
beauty
of
life
requires
a
positive
mentality.
】
17.
设计和艺术一样,能够打破常规,让人们有不同的视野
【Like
art,
design
can
break
conventions
and
give
people
different
perspectives.
】
18.
生活中的美好来源于你自己的态度,设计生活可以让你更加深刻地理解这个真理
【The
beauty
of
life
comes
from
your
own
attitude.
Designing
life
can
help
you
understand
this
truth
more
deeply.
】
19.
从设计中感受生活的美好,需要发现美好的事物并且持续关注
【To
feel
the
beauty
of
life
through
design,
you
need
to
find
beautiful
things
and
keep
paying
attention.
】
20.
设计生活不只是一切从零开始,而是在日常生活中不断创新和改进
【Designing
life
is
not
just
starting
from
scratch,
but
constantly
innovating
and
improving
in
daily
life.
】