1.
Her
kind
eyes
betrayed
the
coldness
of
her
soul.
【冷酷】
2.
The
softness
of
the
pastel
flowers
was
sharp
contrast
to
the
harsh
steel
walls.
【温柔】
3.
Beneath
the
frosty
exterior
lay
a
heart
yearning
for
warmth.
【冷酷】
4.
The
gentle
sea
breeze
whispered
secrets
to
the
icy
waves.
【温柔】
5.
His
callous
remarks
were
tinged
with
sadness.
【冷酷】
6.
The
delicate
lace
curtains
could
not
hide
the
steely
determination
in
her
eyes.
【温柔】
7.
The
gentle
patter
of
raindrops
on
the
windowpane
masked
the
sound
of
her
heart
breaking.
【冷酷】
8.
She
wore
a
smile
that
could
disarm
even
the
coldest
of
hearts.
【温柔】
9.
The
sharp
edges
of
the
city
skyline
were
softened
by
the
pink
hue
of
the
setting
sun.
【冷酷】
10.
His
demeanor
was
as
frosty
as
the
winter
air.
【冷酷】
11.
Her
delicate
features
belied
the
fierce
determination
within
her.
【温柔】
12.
The
cold,
hard
truth
was
the
only
thing
left
standing
in
the
wake
of
her
gentle
illusions.
【冷酷】
13.
The
soft
glow
of
the
moonlight
bathed
the
frozen
landscape
in
an
ethereal
light.
【温柔】
14.
Beneath
the
quiet
exterior
lay
a
tempestuous
soul.
【冷酷】
15.
The
soft
touch
of
his
hand
was
in
stark
contrast
to
the
menacing
look
in
his
eyes.
【温柔】
16.
Her
gentle
voice
sounded
like
a
lullaby
against
the
harsh
clanging
of
metal.
【温柔】
17.
The
icy
winds
of
winter
could
not
penetrate
the
warmth
of
their
love.
【温柔】
18.
Her
smile
was
the
only
thing
that
could
melt
the
frosty
facade
he
held
up.
【温柔】
19.
Despite
her
gentle
ways,
she
was
a
force
to
be
reckoned
with.
【温柔】
20.
The
cold,
hard
reality
of
the
world
was
tempered
by
the
warmth
of
human
connection.
【温柔】