1.
"Bright
star,
would
were
steadfast
as
thou
art.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
2.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
3.
"I
almost
wish
we
were
butterflies
and
liv'd
but
three
summer
days
-
three
such
days
with
you
could
fill
with
more
delight
than
fifty
common
years
could
ever
contain.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
4.
"I
have
been
astonished
that
men
could
die
martyrs
for
religion
-
have
shudder'd
at
it.
shudder
no
more.
could
be
martyr'd
for
my
religion
-
Love
is
my
religion
-
could
die
for
that.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
5.
"Love
and
poetry
are
the
two
wings
of
the
soul.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
6.
"I
have
love
in
me
the
likes
of
which
you
can
scarcely
imagine
and
rage
the
likes
of
which
you
would
not
believe.
If
cannot
satisfy
the
one,
will
indulge
the
other.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
7.
"I
want
you
to
love
me,
but
if
you
don't,
want
you
to
be
the
reason
why
I'm
not
loved
by
anyone
else.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
8.
"I
love
you
not
only
for
what
you
are,
but
for
what
am
when
am
with
you.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
9.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
10.
"My
love
for
Heathcliff
is
like
the
eternal
rocks
beneath:
a
source
of
little
visible
delight,
but
necessary.
Nelly,
am
Heathcliff
-
he's
always,
always
in
my
mind
-
not
as
a
pleasure,
any
more
than
am
always
a
pleasure
to
myself
-
but
as
my
own
being.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
11.
"The
very
first
moment
beheld
him,
my
heart
was
irrevocably
gone.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
12.
"I
cannot
let
you
burn
me
up,
nor
can
resist
you.
No
mere
human
can
stand
in
a
fire
and
not
be
consumed.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
13.
"Whatever
our
souls
are
made
of,
his
and
mine
are
the
same.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
14.
"We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
15.
"Love
is
not
only
something
you
feel,
it
is
something
you
do.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
16.
"I
am
yours,
don't
give
myself
back
to
me.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
17.
"Love
is
a
force
more
formidable
than
any
other.
It
is
invisible—it
cannot
be
seen
or
measured,
yet
it
is
powerful
enough
to
transform
you
in
a
moment,
and
offer
you
more
joy
than
any
material
possession
could.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
18.
"I
love
you
without
knowing
how,
or
when,
or
from
where.
love
you
simply,
without
problems
or
pride:
love
you
in
this
way
because
do
not
know
any
other
way
of
loving
but
this,
in
which
there
is
no
or
you,
so
intimate
that
your
hand
upon
my
chest
is
my
hand,
so
intimate
that
when
fall
asleep
your
eyes
close.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
19.
"The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
"
【济慈爱情句子】
20.
"Love
is
an
endless
act
of
forgiveness.
Forgiveness
is
me
giving
up
the
right
to
hurt
you
for
hurting
me.
"
【济慈爱情句子】