我伤害文案温柔女生句子(温柔女主文案)
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
"She
may
be
gentle
on
the
outside,
but
her
words
cut
deep.
"
【潜在的伤害性】
2.
"Her
soft
voice
may
deceive
you,
but
her
words
will
make
you
wish
you
never
met
her.
"
【表面柔弱,内心强大】
3.
"Beware
the
kind
hearted,
for
sometimes
they
can
be
the
cruelest
of
them
all.
"
【心地善良也有另一面】
4.
"Her
words
may
seem
gentle,
but
the
intent
behind
them
is
anything
but.
"
【言简意赅,潜藏杀机】
5.
"Her
sweet
smile
may
lure
you
in,
but
her
words
will
tear
you
apart.
"
【美人计背后的陷阱】
6.
"Her
gentle
exterior
hides
a
sharp
tongue
that
can
cut
you
down
to
size.
"
【外表温柔,内心魔鬼】
7.
"Don't
let
her
soft
voice
fool
you,
she
knows
how
to
leave
a
lasting
impression.
"
【不被所见所听迷惑】
8.
"She
may
seem
innocent,
but
her
words
can
destroy
you
without
a
second
thought.
"
【看起来善良,实则危险】
9.
"Her
gentle
demeanor
is
just
a
façade
for
the
venom
that
lies
beneath.
"
【表面平静,骨子里放肆】
10.
"Don't
underestimate
her,
she
knows
exactly
how
to
get
what
she
wants.
"
【别把她当成弱者】
11.
"Her
words
have
the
power
to
break
even
the
strongest
of
hearts.
"
【语言决定力量】
12.
"She
may
seem
fragile,
but
her
words
will
leave
a
lasting
impact.
"
【温柔外表,影响深远】
13.
"Don't
be
fooled
by
her
gentle
tone,
her
words
carry
a
sharp
sting.
"
【带刺的柔和】
14.
"She
knows
exactly
how
to
use
her
words
as
a
weapon.
"
【言语胜于利箭】
15.
"Her
sweet
voice
may
seem
harmless,
but
her
words
can
be
deadly.
"
【轻声细语,坑人有余】
16.
"Don't
cross
her,
or
you
may
regret
it
when
you
hear
her
words.
"
【得罪她,想想自己的下场】
17.
"Her
gentle
touch
may
soothe
you,
but
her
words
can
bring
you
to
your
knees.
"
【柔情似水,出手无情】
18.
"Be
careful
what
you
say
around
her,
her
words
can
leave
a
lasting
impression.
"
【言多必失,心狠手辣】
19.
"She
may
appear
to
be
innocent,
but
don't
let
your
guard
down
around
her.
"
【表里不一,难以琢磨】
20.
"Beneath
her
sweet
exterior
lies
a
heart
of
steel,
ready
to
strike
with
her
words.
"
【善良与狠毒并存】