回复道歉唯美句子(向闺蜜道歉的唯美句子)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
"Apologies
take
courage,
but
forgiveness
takes
even
more.
"【道歉需要勇气,但原谅更需要。
】
2.
"To
apologize
is
to
show
strength,
not
weakness.
"【道歉展现的是力量,而非软弱。
】
3.
"Saying
sorry
is
not
a
sign
of
defeat,
but
a
sign
of
respect.
"【道歉并非认输,而是尊重的表现。
】
4.
"A
genuine
apology
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds.
"【真诚的道歉可以治愈最深的伤口。
】
5.
"Apologies
can
mend
relationships,
but
actions
must
back
up
words.
"【道歉可以修补关系,但必须配合行动。
】
6.
"The
hardest
apologies
are
often
the
most
necessary.
"【最难的道歉往往是最必要的。
】
7.
"An
apology
with
excuses
is
not
an
apology
at
all.
"【带有借口的道歉并不是真正的道歉。
】
8.
"Apologies
should
come
from
the
heart,
not
just
the
lips.
"【道歉应该出自内心,而非嘴巴。
】
9.
"It
takes
strength
to
apologize,
but
it
takes
even
more
strength
to
forgive.
"【道歉需要勇气,但原谅更需要力量。
】
10.
"A
true
apology
shows
remorse,
not
just
regret.
"【真正的道歉应当体现懊悔,而非遗憾。
】
11.
"Making
amends
shows
that
an
apology
was
genuine.
"【弥补过错能证明道歉是真诚的。
】
12.
"Apologizing
doesn't
erase
the
harm
that
was
done,
but
it
does
acknowledge
it.
"【道歉并不能抹去过错,但能认识到它的存在。
】
13.
"An
apology
is
not
a
guarantee
that
the
same
mistake
won't
happen
again,
but
it
does
show
an
effort
to
change.
"【道歉并不能保证不再犯错,但能证明一种改变的努力。
】
14.
"Sometimes,
saying
sorry
is
the
first
step
towards
making
things
right.
"【有时候,道歉是让事情恢复正常的第一步。
】
15.
"Apologies
show
humility
and
vulnerability,
two
qualities
that
are
often
misunderstood.
"【道歉体现出谦逊和脆弱,两种品质经常被误解。
】
16.
"Sincere
apologies
are
not
weakened
by
time.
"【真挚的道歉不会因时间而减弱。
】
17.
"Apologies
cannot
change
the
past,
but
they
can
influence
the
future.
"【道歉不能改变过去,但能影响未来。
】
18.
"An
apology
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
sign
of
strength.
"【道歉不是软弱的表现,而是力量的象征。
】
19.
"A
sorry
heart
is
a
hopeful
heart.
"【心存歉意,才能充满希望。
】
20.
"The
act
of
apologizing
is
a
gesture
of
respect,
compassion,
and
kindness.
"【道歉是表现出尊重、同情和友善的姿态。
】