1.
"Sometimes
it's
better
to
keep
certain
things
to
yourself,
rather
than
hurting
someone
with
the
truth.
"
【深思】
2.
"A
little
white
lie
never
hurt
anyone,
but
the
truth
can
sometimes
be
too
much
to
handle.
"
【权衡利弊】
3.
"There
are
moments
when
the
truth
can
do
more
harm
than
good,
so
silence
is
the
better
option.
"
【避免伤害】
4.
"The
truth
may
set
you
free,
but
it
can
also
ruin
relationships
and
break
trust.
"
【取舍难度】
5.
"The
art
of
communication
is
not
only
about
speaking
the
truth,
but
also
knowing
when
to
stay
silent.
"
【技巧】
6.
"Sometimes
it's
easier
to
lie
than
to
explain
the
truth,
especially
when
feelings
are
at
stake.
"
【情感考量】
7.
"Not
every
question
deserves
an
honest
answer,
especially
if
it's
going
to
cause
unnecessary
drama.
"
【为何回避】
8.
"Honesty
may
be
the
best
policy,
but
tact
and
sensitivity
are
equally
important
in
delivering
the
truth.
"
【呈现手法】
9.
"In
certain
situations,
telling
the
truth
could
result
in
dire
consequences,
so
it's
better
to
keep
quiet.
"
【后果考虑】
10.
"Some
people
just
can't
handle
the
truth,
and
it's
not
worth
causing
them
pain
and
distress.
"
【保持和谐】
11.
"Life
is
complicated
enough
without
having
to
deal
with
the
fallout
from
being
brutally
honest.
"
【简单些】
12.
"Sometimes
it's
not
about
telling
the
truth
or
lying,
but
rather
finding
a
middle
ground
that
works
for
everyone
involved.
"
【妥协】
13.
"Being
truthful
is
admirable,
but
it's
also
important
to
remember
that
honesty
must
be
tempered
with
kindness
and
compassion.
"
【协调】
14.
"The
truth
isn't
always
black
and
white,
and
sometimes
there
are
shades
of
gray
that
require
delicate
handling.
"
【灰色地带】
15.
"It's
not
always
necessary
to
disclose
everything,
as
long
as
the
end
result
is
achieved
without
harming
anyone.
"
【有所保留】
16.
"The
truth
can
be
a
powerful
weapon,
but
it's
not
always
necessary
to
wield
it
in
every
situation.
"
【掌握尺度】
17.
"Honesty
is
a
virtue,
but
integrity
also
means
knowing
when
keeping
quiet
is
the
right
thing
to
do.
"
【诚信】
18.
"In
certain
circumstances,
it's
better
to
tell
a
small
lie
than
to
reveal
a
painful
truth
that
serves
no
purpose.
"
【即临时拐弯】
19.
"Sometimes
life
requires
us
to
wear
a
mask
and
hide
the
truth
for
the
sake
of
others.
"
【隐藏自我】
20.
"The
truth
is
not
always
what
people
want
to
hear,
and
sometimes
it's
better
to
spare
their
feelings
rather
than
speak
the
truth.
"
【避免伤害】