1.
Life
is
like
a
roller
coaster,
full
of
ups
and
downs.
【#LifeQuotes】
2.
The
most
productive
thing
one
can
do
is
relax.
【#ProductivityTips】
3.
Time
is
the
most
valuable
thing
a
man
can
spend.
【#TimeManagement】
4.
Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
【#HappinessQuotes】
5.
Surround
yourself
with
people
who
support
your
dreams.
【#Motivation】
6.
The
key
to
a
happy
life
is
accepting
who
you
are.
【#SelfAcceptance】
7.
Hardships
often
prepare
ordinary
people
for
an
extraordinary
destiny.
【#Perseverance】
8.
What
we
think
determines
what
happens
to
us.
【#PositiveThinking】
9.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【#SuccessQuotes】
10.
The
best
way
to
predict
the
future
is
to
create
it.
【#FuturePlanning】
11.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter.
【#Priorities】
12.
journey
of
a
thousand
miles
begins
with
a
single
step.
【#Goals】
13.
Success
is
not
the
key
to
happiness.
Happiness
is
the
key
to
success.
【#HappinessFirst】
14.
Your
life
is
a
reflection
of
your
thoughts.
Choose
wisely
what
you
think.
【#ThoughtsMatter】
15.
The
only
person
you
are
destined
to
become
is
the
person
you
decide
to
be.
【#SelfDetermination】
16.
The
best
things
in
life
are
not
things,
but
people.
【#RelationshipGoals】
17.
Our
lives
begin
to
end
the
day
we
become
silent
about
things
that
matter.
【#SpeakUp】
18.
Many
of
life's
failures
are
people
who
did
not
realize
how
close
they
were
to
success
when
they
gave
up.
【#NeverGiveUp】
19.
The
best
revenge
is
massive
success.
【#SuccessIsTheBestRevenge】
20.
The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【#Resilience】