不要用爱情来伤害我句子
作者:编辑:匿名
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1.
Love
is
meant
to
heal,
not
to
harm.
So
please,
do
not
use
it
as
a
weapon
against
me.
【#LoveShouldHealNotHarm】
2.
am
fragile,
and
my
heart
is
delicate.
Please
handle
it
with
care
and
do
not
abuse
the
love
give
you.
【#HandleWithCare】
3.
If
you
cannot
love
me
the
way
that
deserve,
then
please
walk
away.
Don't
stay
and
hurt
me.
【#LoveMeTheRightWay】
4.
Love
is
not
about
possession
or
control.
It
is
about
respect,
trust,
and
mutual
growth.
【#LoveEqualsRespect】
5.
am
not
a
toy
that
you
can
play
with
at
your
leisure.
My
heart
is
a
precious
thing,
and
it
deserves
to
be
treated
with
reverence.
【#PreciousHeart】
6.
Love
is
an
act
of
kindness,
not
a
means
of
manipulation.
Don't
use
it
to
get
what
you
want.
【#LoveNotManipulation】
7.
do
not
need
someone
who
only
loves
me
when
it
is
convenient
for
them.
need
someone
who
will
love
me
always.
【#LoveIsNotConditional】
8.
My
heart
is
not
a
revolving
door.
If
you
leave,
please
do
not
expect
to
come
back
whenever
you
please.
【#NoSecondChances】
9.
Be
honest
with
me.
If
you
don't
love
me,
that's
okay.
Just
don't
pretend
that
you
do
and
hurt
me
in
the
process.
【#HonestyIsKey】
10.
Love
is
a
two-way
street.
If
you
are
not
willing
to
meet
me
halfway,
then
there
is
no
point
in
continuing
this
journey.
【#MeetMeHalfway】
11.
Don't
use
me
as
a
crutch
to
prop
yourself
up
when
you're
feeling
down.
That's
not
love;
it's
emotional
abuse.
【#LoveIsNotEmotionalAbuse】
12.
My
heart
may
be
open,
but
it
is
not
invincible.
Please
do
not
break
it.
【#DontBreakMyHeart】
13.
The
wounds
caused
by
love
are
often
the
deepest.
Please,
do
not
inflict
unnecessary
pain
upon
me.
【#LoveWithoutPain】
14.
Love
is
not
about
power.
It
is
about
vulnerability,
surrender,
and
trust.
【#LoveIsNotAboutPower】
15.
cannot
force
you
to
love
me,
but
can
demand
that
you
treat
me
with
respect
and
dignity.
【#DemandRespect】
16.
Love
is
not
a
game.
It
is
a
commitment.
Please
do
not
play
with
my
emotions.
【#LoveIsNotAGame】
17.
Don't
pretend
to
love
me
if
you
cannot
be
there
for
me
when
need
you.
That's
not
love;
it's
deception.
【#LoveIsNotDeception】
18.
don't
need
someone
who
makes
me
feel
small
or
insignificant.
need
someone
who
lifts
me
up
and
helps
me
grow.
【#LoveIsEmpowering】
19.
Love
should
never
make
you
feel
like
you're
not
enough.
It
should
make
you
feel
like
you're
more
than
enough.
【#LoveShouldMakeYouFeelEnough】
20.
If
you're
not
ready
to
love
me
the
way
that
deserve
to
be
loved,
then
please
do
not
waste
my
time.
【#LoveTheRightWay】