1.
"Sometimes
we
hold
on
to
memories
not
because
they
were
good,
but
because
they
are
the
only
things
left
that
remind
us
of
what
used
to
be.
"
【#nostalgicquotes】
2.
"Even
in
the
midst
of
happiness,
there's
always
a
sense
of
sorrow,
knowing
that
it
will
eventually
come
to
an
end.
"
【#emotionalquotes】
3.
"I
wish
could
go
back
to
the
moment
when
everything
was
just
perfect
and
freeze
it
there
forever.
"
【#memories】
4.
"It's
funny
how
a
piece
of
paper
like
an
award
can
hold
so
much
meaning,
yet
be
completely
meaningless
at
the
same
time.
"
【#perspective】
5.
"The
hardest
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#goodbyequotes】
6.
"A
single
moment
of
misunderstanding
can
haunt
you
for
a
lifetime.
"
【#communication】
7.
"You
can
never
truly
understand
the
meaning
of
'loss'
until
you've
experienced
it
yourself.
"
【#grief】
8.
"The
greatest
pain
in
life
is
not
the
pain
of
losing
someone,
but
the
pain
of
never
having
the
chance
to
say
goodbye.
"
【#missyou】
9.
"Sometimes
all
you
can
do
is
lie
in
bed,
and
hope
to
fall
asleep
before
you
fall
apart.
"
【#depressed】
10.
"The
best
people
always
leave
too
soon,
leaving
a
void
that
can
never
be
filled.
"
【#loss】
11.
"Closure
is
a
myth,
healing
is
a
process.
"
【#healing】
12.
"We
can
never
go
back
and
change
the
past,
but
we
can
always
create
a
better
future.
"
【#progress】
13.
"We
never
truly
appreciate
something
until
it's
gone
forever.
"
【#gratitude】
14.
"Life
is
fragile,
handle
with
care.
"
【#lifelessons】
15.
"The
smallest
things
in
life
can
hold
the
greatest
memories.
"
【#appreciation】
16.
"Regret
for
the
things
we
did
can
be
tempered
by
time;
it
is
regret
for
the
things
we
did
not
do
that
is
inconsolable.
"
【#liveyourlife】
17.
"Time
doesn't
heal
all
wounds,
but
it
does
make
the
unbearable
a
little
more
bearable.
"
【#patience】
18.
"Memories
are
the
only
things
that
never
change,
even
when
people
and
places
do.
"
【#timeless】
19.
"You
can't
truly
move
forward
until
you've
made
peace
with
your
past.
"
【#letgo】
20.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
the
gift
of
your
time.
"
【#selflessness】