1.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
all
strong
relationships.
【信任是所有强大关系的基石。
】
2.
Being
gentle
and
kind
is
the
antidote
to
healing
hurtful
wounds.
【温柔和善是治愈伤痛的良药。
】
3.
Believe
in
the
power
of
forgiveness
for
it
can
liberate
us
from
anger
and
pain.
【相信宽恕的力量,它可以让我们从愤怒和痛苦中解脱出来。
】
4.
Trust
is
built
slowly,
step
by
step
but
can
be
lost
in
just
a
moment.
【信任是逐步建立的,但却可能因一瞬间的失误而失去。
】
5.
gentle
word,
a
soft
touch,
a
warm
embrace
can
work
wonders
to
heal
a
wounded
soul.
【温柔的话语、柔软的触感、温暖的拥抱可以想不到地治愈受伤的灵魂。
】
6.
Trust
is
a
fragile
flower
that
needs
constant
nourishment
to
grow
and
flourish.
【信任像一朵脆弱的花朵,需要持续的滋养才能茁壮成长。
】
7.
Kindness
is
the
universal
language
that
can
bridge
the
gap
between
people.
【善良是沟通人与人之间差距的通用语言。
】
8.
Trust
is
like
the
air
we
breathe,
we
only
notice
it
when
it's
not
there.
【信任就像我们呼吸的空气,只有当它不存在的时候我们才会注意到。
】
9.
gentle
soul
can
bring
peace
to
those
around
them,
even
in
the
midst
of
chaos.
【一颗温柔的灵魂即使在混乱中也能给周围的人带来平静。
】
10.
Trusting
yourself
is
the
first
step
in
trusting
others.
【相信自己是相信他人的第一步。
】
11.
tender
heart
can
heal
the
wounds
of
the
world,
one
kindness
at
a
time.
【一颗温柔的心可以逐一用善良来治愈这个世界的伤口。
】
12.
trustworthy
person
is
like
a
diamond,
rare
and
valuable.
【一个值得信任的人就像一颗钻石,稀有而珍贵。
】
13.
The
softest
touch
can
make
the
strongest
impact.
【最温柔的触碰可以产生最强大的影响。
】
14.
Trust
is
a
precious
gift
that
should
be
cherished
and
nurtured.
【信任是一份珍贵的礼物,应该珍视和培养。
】
15.
Kindness
can
be
contagious,
spreading
from
person
to
person
like
a
warm
sunray.
【善良可以是有传染性的,像一束温暖的阳光从人传递到人。
】
16.
Trust
requires
vulnerability
and
risk,
but
it's
worth
it
in
the
end.
【信任需要承担风险和脆弱,但在最终,这是值得的。
】
17.
gentle
touch
can
calm
the
fiercest
storm.
【柔和的触碰可以平息最激烈的风暴。
】
18.
Trust
is
the
glue
that
keeps
a
relationship
strong
and
lasting.
【信任是维系关系强大而持久的胶水。
】
19.
tender
heart
can
see
beauty
in
even
the
most
broken
things.
【一颗柔软的心可以即使在最破碎的事物中看到美。
】
20.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
love,
without
it,
love
cannot
survive.
【信任是爱的基础,没有它,爱就不会存在。
】