1.
Love
isn't
something
you
find,
love
is
something
that
finds
you.
【Love】
2.
True
love
isn't
about
being
inseparable;
it's
about
being
separated
and
nothing
changes.
【True
Love】
3.
The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
【Best
Love】
4.
successful
marriage
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
【Marriage】
5.
Love
is
not
about
how
many
days,
months,
or
years
you
have
been
together.
Love
is
about
how
much
you
love
each
other
every
day.
【Love
Every
Day】
6.
Love
is
not
just
about
finding
the
right
person,
but
creating
a
right
relationship.
It's
not
about
how
much
love
you
have
in
the
beginning,
but
how
much
love
you
build
till
the
end.
【Creating
a
Right
Relationship】
7.
You
know
you're
in
love
when
you
don't
want
to
fall
asleep
because
reality
is
finally
better
than
your
dreams.
【In
Love】
8.
Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
【Strength
&
Courage】
9.
Love
is
when
the
other
person's
happiness
is
more
important
than
your
own.
【Other
Person's
Happiness】
10.
Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
【Sacrifice】
11.
Love
is
not
only
something
you
feel,
it
is
something
you
do.
【Love
is
Action】
12.
Love
consists
of
this:
two
solitudes
that
meet,
protect,
and
greet
each
other.
【Two
Solitudes】
13.
The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
【Greatest
Happiness】
14.
great
marriage
is
not
when
the
'perfect
couple'
comes
together.
It
is
when
an
imperfect
couple
learns
to
enjoy
their
differences.
【Imperfect
Couple】
15.
Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
【Love
is
Like
the
Wind】
16.
To
love
is
not
a
passive
thing.
To
love
is
an
active
power
--
a
power
for
good
and
for
evil.
【Love
is
Active】
17.
Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
【Love
is
the
Voice】
18.
Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
commit
to
another
person.
【Ready
to
Love】
19.
To
love
is
nothing.
To
be
loved
is
something.
But
to
love
and
be
loved,
that’s
everything.
【To
Love
and
be
Loved】
20.
true
relationship
is
two
unperfect
people
refusing
to
give
up
on
each
other.
【True
Relationship】