1.
"Running
towards
a
new
year,
leaving
behind
all
the
fears.
"
【2020跨年跑步】
2.
"With
each
step,
leave
behind
the
past
and
embrace
the
future.
"
【跑步迎新年】
3.
"The
rhythm
of
my
feet
echo
the
hope
of
a
fresh
start.
"
【新年跨步,心意奔放】
4.
"As
run
towards
2020,
feel
the
wind
of
change
in
my
face.
"
【迎接2020,感受变革】
5.
"In
the
darkness,
see
the
light
at
the
end
of
the
tunnel,
beckoning
me
forward.
"
【黑夜中的灯光,引领前方】
6.
"Breathing
in
strength,
breathing
out
doubts,
move
ahead
with
determination.
"
【深呼吸力量,流出疑虑,步步向前】
7.
"The
miles
cover
symbolize
the
challenges
I'll
face,
and
the
victory
I'll
celebrate.
"
【汗水浸润每一步,象征2020挑战与收获】
8.
"The
night
may
be
long,
but
each
step
brings
me
closer
to
the
dawn
of
a
new
year.
"
【黑夜漫长,仍有冉冉初升的曙光】
9.
"I
move
in
sync
with
the
ticking
of
the
clock,
leaving
regrets
behind,
making
every
moment
count.
"
【与时俱进,无悔无怨,珍惜此时此刻】
10.
"The
sky
is
vast,
and
so
is
my
determination
to
reach
my
goals
in
2020.
"
【明朗的天空,矢志前行的决心】
11.
"I'm
not
just
running,
I'm
chasing
my
dreams,
and
the
finish
line
is
just
the
beginning.
"
【不单是奔跑,更是追逐梦想,终点仅是新的起点】
12.
"Each
step
take
is
a
reminder
that
can
achieve
anything
set
my
mind
to.
"
【一步一步,引领自己走向更高的远方】
13.
"The
sound
of
my
footsteps
resonates
with
the
heartbeat
of
a
new
year,
full
of
potential
and
possibilities.
"
【踏实有力的脚步声,与新年的悸动奏响美好前景】
14.
"With
my
running
shoes
laced
up,
I'm
ready
to
conquer
2020,
one
stride
at
a
time.
"
【束好鞋带,跨步2020,迎接挑战】
15.
"The
darkness
may
surround
me,
but
my
spirit
shines
bright
with
hope.
"
【黑暗弥漫,阳光灿烂】
16.
"With
each
breath,
leave
behind
the
old,
and
embrace
the
new.
"
【换气的瞬间,远离昨日,拥抱崭新】
17.
"I
run
not
to
escape
my
problems,
but
to
face
them
head-on
with
courage
and
determination.
"
【奔跑不为逃避问题,而是以勇气和决心直面困难】
18.
"The
road
ahead
may
be
long
and
challenging,
but
I'm
equipped
with
strength,
resilience,
and
faith.
"
【前路漫漫,已备好力量、韧性和信仰】
19.
"As
my
tired
feet
hit
the
pavement,
know
that
every
step
brings
me
closer
to
my
goals.
"
【虽疲惫不已,但脚底的地面告诉我每一步都是更接近目标的证明】
20.
"With
every
passing
moment,
the
old
year
fades
away,
and
the
promise
of
a
new
year
shines
bright.
"
【每个瞬间,旧岁慢慢消逝,新年的曙光越发明朗】