1.
"Would
you
like
to
talk
about
it?"
she
asked
softly.
【】
2.
"I'm
here
for
you,
no
matter
what,"
he
whispered.
【】
3.
"You're
not
alone
in
this,"
she
reassured
him.
【】
4.
"I
appreciate
all
the
love
and
support
you
give
me,"
he
told
her.
【】
5.
"I'm
sorry
for
anything
might
have
said
to
hurt
you,"
she
apologized.
【】
6.
"Let's
work
together
to
find
a
solution,"
he
suggested.
【】
7.
"I
trust
you
completely,"
she
confessed.
【】
8.
"I
admire
your
strength
and
resilience,"
he
complimented.
【】
9.
"I'm
grateful
for
every
moment
we
spend
together,"
she
expressed.
【】
10.
"You
have
such
a
kind
heart,"
he
observed.
【】
11.
"I
feel
safe
when
I'm
with
you,"
she
confided.
【】
12.
"I
love
the
way
you
see
the
world,"
he
remarked.
【】
13.
"I
have
faith
in
your
abilities,"
she
encouraged
him.
【】
14.
"Your
opinion
matters
to
me,"
he
admitted.
【】
15.
"I
feel
like
can
be
myself
around
you,"
she
said
with
a
smile.
【】
16.
"Thank
you
for
being
patient
with
me,"
he
thanked
her.
【】
17.
"I'm
so
lucky
to
have
you
in
my
life,"
she
said
gratefully.
【】
18.
"I
appreciate
all
the
little
things
you
do
for
me,"
he
acknowledged.
【】
19.
"I
feel
like
we
can
conquer
anything
together,"
she
declared.
【】
20.
"You
make
my
world
a
better
place,"
he
said
sincerely.
【】