1.
The
true
beauty
of
culture
lies
in
its
ability
to
connect
people
from
different
backgrounds
and
beliefs.
【美在文化的力量,在于它能够连接来自不同背景和信仰的人们。
】
2.
Tradition
is
not
the
worship
of
ashes,
but
the
preservation
of
fire.
【传统不是对灰烬的崇拜,而是对火的保存。
】
3.
Culture
is
the
art
of
living
beautifully.
【文化就是过美好生活的艺术。
】
4.
Diversity
in
culture
creates
a
mosaic
of
learning
opportunities
that
enrich
our
lives.
【文化的多样性创造了一个学习机会的马赛克,丰富了我们的生活。
】
5.
Language
is
the
road
map
of
culture.
It
tells
you
where
people
come
from,
and
where
they
are
going.
【语言是文化的路标。
它告诉你人们来自哪里,他们将去往何处。
】
6.
Every
culture
is
like
a
rose
garden,
each
with
its
own
unique
beauty
and
fragrance.
【每个文化都像一座玫瑰花园,各有其独特的美和芳香。
】
7.
Celebrating
diversity
is
the
art
of
bringing
people
together
in
harmony,
despite
their
differences.
【庆祝文化多样性是将人们聚集在一起的艺术,尽管他们有着不同之处。
】
8.
The
arts
are
the
mirror
of
a
culture
and
the
soul
of
any
civilization.
【艺术是文化的镜子,也是任何文明的灵魂。
】
9.
Culture
is
not
a
possession,
it
is
a
way
of
life
that
is
constantly
evolving.
【文化不是财产,它是一种不断演变的生活方式。
】
10.
Music
is
a
universal
language
that
transcends
cultural
boundaries
and
unites
people.
【音乐是一种超越文化界限的普遍语言,它能把人们团结在一起。
】
11.
Learning
about
other
cultures
is
not
only
about
understanding
others,
but
also
understanding
yourself.
【学习其他文化不仅是了解他人,也是了解自己。
】
12.
Food
is
the
essence
of
culture,
and
sharing
a
meal
is
the
ultimate
form
of
cultural
exchange.
【食物是文化的精髓,共进美食是文化交流的最高形式。
】
13.
Culture
is
the
fabric
that
weaves
a
society
together,
and
every
thread
represents
a
different
aspect
of
its
identity.
【文化是将社会编织在一起的织物,每根线代表着其身份的不同方面。
】
14.
The
beauty
of
art
lies
in
its
ability
to
create
emotions
that
transcend
time
and
cultural
barriers.
【艺术之美在于它能创造超越时间和文化障碍的感情。
】
15.
Culture
is
not
a
museum
piece,
it
is
the
breath
of
a
society
that
is
alive
and
constantly
evolving.
【文化不是博物馆展品,它是一个活着并不断演变的社会的呼吸。
】
16.
Traveling
is
the
ultimate
way
to
explore
different
cultures
and
expand
your
horizons.
【旅行是探索不同文化和扩展眼界的终极方式。
】
17.
Culture
is
the
foundation
of
society,
and
without
it,
we
have
no
identity,
no
history,
and
no
future.
【文化是社会的基石,没有它,我们就没有身份、历史和未来。
】
18.
Language
is
the
key
to
understanding
other
cultures,
and
it
gives
us
the
power
to
communicate
and
connect
with
others.
【语言是理解其他文化的关键,它赋予我们沟通和交流的能力。
】
19.
Celebrating
cultural
diversity
is
not
about
tolerating
differences,
it
is
about
embracing
them
and
learning
from
one
another.
【庆祝文化多样性不是关于容忍差异,而是拥抱它们并互相学习。
】
20.
Culture
is
the
heart
of
humanity,
and
it
is
what
makes
us
unique,
diverse,
and
beautiful.
【文化是人类的心脏,它使我们独特、多样和美丽。
】