1.
"Sometimes
the
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said.
"
【Goodbye】
2.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
express.
"
【Tears】
3.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
it's
not
enough
to
keep
some
people
together.
"
【Love】
4.
"Missing
someone
gets
easier
every
day
because
even
though
you're
one
day
further
from
the
last
time
you
saw
them,
you're
one
day
closer
to
the
next
time
you
will.
"
【Missing】
5.
"You
will
never
know
true
happiness
until
you
have
truly
loved,
and
you
will
never
understand
what
pain
really
is
until
you
have
lost
it.
"
【Happiness】
6.
"Time
doesn't
heal
anything,
it
just
teaches
us
how
to
live
with
the
pain.
"
【Time】
7.
"The
hardest
part
of
loving
someone
is
knowing
when
to
let
go.
"
【Let
go】
8.
"It's
painful
to
say
goodbye
to
someone
you
don't
want
to
let
go,
but
it's
even
more
painful
to
hold
on
to
them
when
you
know
they've
already
left.
"
【Holding
on】
9.
"The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you're
smiling
just
to
stop
the
tears
from
falling.
"
【Pain】
10.
"The
more
you
try
to
forget
someone,
the
more
you
will
remember
them.
"
【Forget】
11.
"A
broken
heart
is
the
worst.
It's
like
having
broken
ribs.
Nobody
can
see
it,
but
it
hurts
every
time
you
breathe.
"
【Broken
heart】
12.
"Sometimes,
all
you
can
do
is
lie
in
bed,
and
hope
to
fall
asleep
before
you
fall
apart.
"
【Fall
apart】
13.
"When
it
hurts
to
look
back,
and
you're
afraid
to
look
ahead,
you
can
look
beside
you
and
your
best
friend
will
be
there.
"
【Best
friend】
14.
"I
may
have
lost
someone
who
didn't
love
me,
but
they
lost
someone
who
truly
loved
them.
"
【Love】
15.
"Forgiving
someone
doesn't
mean
that
their
behavior
was
‘OK.
’
What
it
does
mean
is
that
we're
ready
to
move
on.
"
【Forgiveness】
16.
"Better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
"
【Love】
17.
"Sometimes
the
only
closure
you
need
is
the
understanding
that
you
deserve
better.
"
【Closure】
18.
"You
don't
just
stop
loving
someone.
You
either
always
will,
or
you
never
did.
"
【Love】
19.
"When
someone
you
love
becomes
a
memory,
that
memory
becomes
a
treasure.
"
【Memory】
20.
"Never
leave
a
true
relationship
for
a
few
faults.
Nobody
is
perfect,
nobody
is
correct
in
the
end,
affection
is
always
greater
than
perfection.
"
【Relationship】