1.
"The
ocean
is
their
home,
and
they
thrive
in
its
depths.
"
【生活在海洋中的鲸鱼们,在深海中蓬勃发展。
】
2.
"From
their
massive
size
to
their
intricate
vocalizations,
whales
are
truly
astonishing
creatures.
"
【从鲸鱼巨大的体型到复杂的语音交流,这些动物确实令人惊叹。
】
3.
"Whales
play
a
crucial
role
in
maintaining
the
balance
of
marine
ecosystems.
"
【鲸鱼在维持海洋生态平衡方面扮演着关键角色。
】
4.
"The
migration
patterns
of
whales
are
awe-inspiring,
spanning
thousands
of
miles
across
the
ocean.
"
【鲸鱼的迁徙模式令人惊叹,跨越大洋数千英里。
】
5.
"Despite
their
size,
whales
have
a
gentle
nature
that
makes
them
fascinating
creatures
to
observe.
"
【尽管巨大,鲸鱼的温和性格使他们成为非常迷人的观察对象。
】
6.
"Whale
watching
tours
offer
a
unique
opportunity
to
witness
these
majestic
creatures
in
their
natural
habitat.
"
【观鲸旅游提供了独特的机会,让人们在鲸鱼的自然栖息地观察这些壮观的动物。
】
7.
"Sadly,
many
whale
species
are
endangered
due
to
human
activities
such
as
hunting
and
pollution.
"
【可悲的是,许多鲸鱼物种由于人类活动如猎杀和污染而濒临灭绝。
】
8.
"Whale
songs
are
some
of
the
most
complex
vocalizations
in
the
animal
kingdom
and
are
still
not
fully
understood
by
scientists.
"
【鲸鱼的歌曲是动物王国中最复杂的语音之一,科学家仍未完全理解其含义。
】
9.
"Whales
have
been
a
part
of
human
culture
for
centuries,
appearing
in
stories,
myths,
and
art.
"
【鲸鱼已经成为人类文化的一部分数个世纪,出现在故事,神话和艺术中。
】
10.
"The
blue
whale,
the
largest
animal
on
Earth,
can
weigh
as
much
as
tons.
"
【蓝鲸是地球上最大的动物,重达200吨。
】
11.
"Whales
have
a
unique
method
of
feeding,
filtering
small
organisms
through
baleen
plates
in
their
mouths.
"
【鲸鱼有独特的进食方式,通过口腔中的鲸须板过滤小的有机体。
】
12.
"Whales
have
been
known
to
display
remarkable
intelligence
and
social
behavior.
"
【鲸鱼被认为表现出了非凡的智力和社会行为。
】
13.
"Humpback
whales
are
famous
for
their
acrobatics,
leaping
out
of
the
water
and
slapping
the
surface
with
their
fins
and
tails.
"
【座头鲸以其杂技招数而闻名,从水中跃起并用鳍和尾巴拍打水面。
】
14.
"Whale
sharks,
despite
their
name,
are
not
whales
but
are
instead
the
largest
species
of
shark
in
the
world.
"
【鲸鲨虽然名为鲸鱼,但实际上是世界上最大的鲨鱼物种。
】
15.
"The
oil
industry
has
had
a
devastating
impact
on
whale
populations,
causing
spills
and
disrupting
migration
patterns.
"
【石油工业对鲸鱼种群产生了毁灭性的影响,造成事故和破坏迁徙模式。
】
16.
"Whales
are
essential
to
the
health
of
our
oceans,
and
their
protection
is
critical
to
the
future
of
our
planet.
"
【鲸鱼对海洋的健康至关重要,他们的保护对地球的未来至关重要。
】
17.
"The
harrowing
story
of
the
whaling
industry
serves
as
a
reminder
of
the
damage
that
humans
can
do
to
the
natural
world.
"
【捕鲸业的险恶故事提醒人们人类可以对自然世界造成的破坏。
】
18.
"Certain
species
of
whales,
such
as
the
blue
whale
and
the
humpback
whale,
are
a
popular
subject
for
scientific
research.
"
【某些鲸鱼物种,如蓝鲸和座头鲸,是科学研究的热门主题。
】
19.
"The
future
of
whale
populations
is
uncertain,
but
conservation
efforts
give
hope
for
their
survival.
"
【鲸鱼群体的未来充满不确定性,但保护工作给人们带来了生存的希望。
】
20.
"The
majesty
and
mystery
of
whales
continues
to
capture
the
imagination
of
people
all
over
the
world.
"
【鲸鱼的威严和神秘继续吸引了全世界人们的想象。
】