1.
"Reading
is
to
the
mind
what
exercise
is
to
the
body.
"
-
Joseph
Addison
【】
2.
"Books
are
the
carriers
of
civilization.
Without
books,
history
is
silent,
literature
dumb,
science
crippled,
thought
and
speculation
at
a
standstill.
"
-
Barbara
Tuchman
【】
3.
"It
is
what
you
read
when
you
don't
have
to
that
determines
what
you
will
be
when
you
can't
help
it.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【】
4.
"The
man
who
does
not
read
good
books
has
no
advantage
over
the
man
who
cannot
read
them.
"
-
Mark
Twain
【】
5.
"Reading
is
to
the
soul
what
food
is
to
the
body.
"
-
Richard
Steele
【】
6.
"The
more
that
you
read,
the
more
things
you
will
know.
The
more
that
you
learn,
the
more
places
you'll
go.
"
-
Dr.
Seuss
【】
7.
"Reading
is
a
way
for
me
to
expand
my
mind,
open
my
eyes,
and
fill
up
my
heart.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【】
8.
"A
book
is
a
dream
that
you
hold
in
your
hand.
"
-
Neil
Gaiman
【】
9.
"The
only
thing
better
than
reading
a
good
book
is
discovering
a
new
author
that
you
love.
"
-
Ellen
Hopkins
【】
10.
"Reading
gives
us
someplace
to
go
when
we
have
to
stay
where
we
are.
"
-
Mason
Cooley
【】
11.
"There
is
no
substitute
for
reading,
and
no
substitute
for
books.
"
-
Paul
Auster
【】
12.
"A
reader
lives
a
thousand
lives
before
he
dies,
said
Jojen.
The
man
who
never
reads
lives
only
one.
"
-
George
R.
R.
Martin
【】
13.
"Books
are
the
quietest
and
most
constant
of
friends;
they
are
the
most
accessible
and
wisest
of
counselors,
and
the
most
patient
of
teachers.
"
-
Charles
W.
Eliot
【】
14.
"There
are
many
little
ways
to
enlarge
your
child's
world.
Love
of
books
is
the
best
of
all.
"
-
Jacqueline
Kennedy
Onassis
【】
15.
"Reading
is
a
discount
ticket
to
everywhere.
"
-
Mary
Schmich
【】
16.
"The
habit
of
reading
is
the
only
enjoyment
in
which
there
is
no
alloy;
it
lasts
when
all
other
pleasures
fade.
"
-
Anthony
Trollope
【】
17.
"The
best
advice
ever
got
was
that
knowledge
is
power
and
to
keep
reading.
"
-
David
Bailey
【】
18.
"Reading
is
not
a
duty,
and
has
consequently
no
business
to
be
made
disagreeable.
"
-
Augustine
Birrell
【】
19.
"I
cannot
live
without
books.
"
-
Thomas
Jefferson
【】
20.
"When
want
to
read
a
novel,
write
one.
"
-
Benjamin
Disraeli
【】