宝宝生活常用英语句子(生活常用口语英语)
作者:编辑:互联网
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1.
Can
you
give
me
a
bottle
please?
【请求】
2.
Let's
go
for
a
walk
in
the
park!
【邀请】
3.
Are
you
hungry?
I'll
make
you
something
to
eat.
【照顾】
4.
Mama
and
Dada
love
you
so
much!
【爱】
5.
Oh
no,
you
made
a
mess!
We
need
to
clean
it
up.
【教育】
6.
Peek-a-boo,
see
you!
【游戏】
7.
Let's
sing
nursery
rhymes
together.
【娱乐】
8.
You're
getting
so
big
and
strong!
【赞美】
9.
I'm
sorry
you're
not
feeling
well.
【关切】
10.
Time
for
a
nap.
Sweet
dreams!
【固定行为】
11.
It's
time
to
brush
your
teeth.
【固定行为】
12.
Look
at
you
crawling!
Soon
you'll
be
walking.
【鼓励】
13.
Can
you
say
"mama"?
How
about
"dada"?
【引导】
14.
Let's
read
your
favorite
book
before
bed.
【固定行为】
15.
Wow,
you're
so
good
at
stacking
blocks!
【赞美】
16.
Let's
play
with
your
toys
together.
【陪伴】
17.
Don't
put
that
in
your
mouth!
It's
not
food.
【教育】
18.
Good
job
using
the
potty!
【鼓励】
19.
You're
my
little
sunshine.
【爱】
20.
Bedtime
already?
Okay,
let's
get
ready
for
bed.
【固定行为】