1.
"Nature's
beauty
blooms
in
the
delicate
petals
of
flowers
and
the
vibrant
leaves
of
trees.
"【美丽的大自然在花朵的娇嫩花瓣和树叶的生机勃勃中绽放。
】
2.
"The
protection
of
plants
is
the
preservation
of
life
itself.
"【保护植物就是保护生命本身。
】
3.
"A
single
tree
can
provide
shade
on
a
hot
day,
oxygen
to
breathe,
and
a
home
for
countless
creatures.
"【一棵树可以在炎热的日子里提供阴凉,提供氧气呼吸,给无数生物提供家园。
】
4.
"The
beauty
of
nature
lies
in
its
diversity,
from
the
smallest
wildflower
to
the
tallest
redwood
tree.
"【大自然的美在于其多样性,从最小的野花到最高的红杉树。
】
5.
"The
simple
act
of
planting
a
seed
can
have
a
profound
impact
on
our
planet's
future.
"【简单的种下一颗种子,可以对我们星球的未来产生深远的影响。
】
6.
"By
protecting
the
environment,
we
are
really
protecting
ourselves.
"【通过保护环境,我们真正保护的是自己。
】
7.
"A
garden
is
a
place
to
nurture
life,
both
for
the
plants
and
for
ourselves.
"【一个花园是一个培育生命的地方,对于植物和我们自己都是如此。
】
8.
"The
air
we
breathe,
the
water
we
drink,
and
the
food
we
eat
all
come
from
nature,
and
so
must
be
protected.
"【我们呼吸的空气、喝的水、吃的食物都来自自然,因此必须受到保护。
】
9.
"The
majesty
of
a
forest
is
not
just
in
the
size
of
the
trees,
but
in
the
intricate
ecosystem
it
supports.
"【森林的宏伟不仅在于树木的大小,还在于它所支持的复杂生态系统。
】
10.
"Every
bloom
is
a
reminder
that
beauty
can
be
found
even
in
the
harshest
of
environments.
"【每一朵花都是一个提醒,即美丽甚至可以在最恶劣的环境中找到。
】
11.
"Nature
is
a
gift,
and
it
is
our
responsibility
to
cherish
and
protect
it.
"【大自然是一份礼物,我们有责任珍惜和保护它。
】
12.
"A
world
without
plants
would
be
a
world
without
color,
without
fragrance,
and
without
life.
"【没有植物的世界就是没有色彩、没有芬芳、没有生命的世界。
】
13.
"The
delicate
balance
of
nature
can
be
disrupted
with
just
one
careless
action,
but
it
takes
many
small
steps
to
restore
it.
"【自然的微妙平衡可以因为一个不小心的行为而被打破,但需要许多小步骤来恢复它。
】
14.
"A
garden
is
a
place
to
find
peace,
to
connect
with
nature,
and
to
remember
the
beauty
of
life.
"【一个花园是一个找到和平、与大自然联系并记住生命之美的地方。
】
15.
"Every
tree
we
plant
is
an
investment
in
our
future,
and
the
future
of
generations
to
come.
"【我们种植的每一棵树都是对我们自身和未来几代人未来的投资。
】
16.
"The
earth
is
not
ours
to
exploit,
but
to
protect,
to
cherish,
and
to
leave
for
future
generations.
"【地球不是我们去剥削的,而是要保护、珍惜并留给后代。
】
17.
"The
beauty
of
nature
is
not
just
a
sight
to
behold,
but
a
feeling
to
experience.
"【大自然的美不仅是一个值得欣赏的风景,更是一种要体验的感觉。
】
18.
"A
single
flower
may
seem
small
and
insignificant,
but
it
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
life
itself.
"【一个花朵可能看起来小而微不足道,但它是对生命本身力量的见证。
】
19.
"The
sound
of
rustling
leaves
and
chirping
birds
is
a
reminder
of
the
harmony
and
balance
of
nature.
"【树叶沙沙作响和鸟儿的叽叽喳喳是自然和谐与平衡的提醒。
】
20.
"To
care
for
plants
is
to
care
for
ourselves,
for
the
planet,
and
for
future
generations.
"【关心植物就是关心我们自己、关心地球和关心未来几代人。
】